A Restitch in Time: Lightning Strikes - Applying the Heated Clay Temper to the Untempered Lightning Rods will now properly update, no matter what zone you are in when you perform the task.Heals and wards are now percent-based in Planes of Prophecy public quest zones.

Stargazer's Numinous Bracers - Item now has the proper icon.Sparkling Drape of Twilight Magic - Item is named correctly now.Chipped Qeynos Celebration Cup - House item is now tradeable.a Neriak recruit badge - Item can no longer be traded within the group, as it offers the quest "A Guard Insignia?" and can interfere with quest progression if traded before quest requirements are met.Hinged Rose Topiaries - House items can be scaled down even smaller and enlarged even bigger now.Purple Rose Topiary - House item can be scaled down even smaller and enlarged even bigger now.Live Event house items that are not player writable, should all be stackable now.Illegible Scroll Pages are now rewarded by daily Planar Mission Reward Crates.Level 1 through 10 Adept and Master recipescrolls are now rewarded by Weekly Planar Mission Reward Crates.Most Channeler heals are no longer percentage based.Abilities granted by the Epic Reprecussions quest, as well as those granted by the Beastlord and Channeler Epic 1 quests will now be granted to level 90 and above characters automatically on live servers.Many Percent Based heals have been updated to scale with the casters level and rebalanced to align with upcoming balance updates.More information about expert dungeons may be found here: ABILITIES.Plane of Innovation: Gears in the Machine.Torden, Bastion of Thunder: Storm Chase [Expert Event">.Torden, Bastion of Thunder: Winds of Change.Solusek Ro's Tower: The Obsidian Core.Plane of Innovation: Parts not Included [Expert Event">.Plane of Innovation: Masks of the Marvelous.